Fortunately, the song is also concerned with slamming guitars. The song is concerned with the little guy, or at least the English translation of the lyrics would seem to indicate that: "You spend a lifetime working to pay for your own tombstone / You hide your face behind the newspaper / You walk like a robot in the subway corridors" and so on. TRUST "Antisocial" ( Repression, 1980) The Song: Trust was a French hard rock outfit whose original lineup consisted of Bernard "Bernie" Bonvoisin, Norbert "Nono" Krief, Raymond "Ray" Manna, and Jean-Émile "Jeannot" Hanela - yep, a bunch of no-good Socialists! But that doesn't mean they didn't rock enough for Anthrax to decide to do a cover of their most popular song, "Antisocial," on the 1988 album State of Euphoria.